Thursday, September 18, 2008


"Compete for your honor. Compete for the thrill. Compete for your gender."

-Gandhi (talking about Manathlon)

It is time to create the Manathlon 2009 Games! We would like you all to come up with ideas for events we can do over the course of a year. We will do one event a month. Some ideas so far include:

  • 7 mile tendon run!

  • Sunday dinner cook off... with their heads!

  • Ice dive of infertility!

  • Nephew bench press of pain!

  • Trampoline Trickster!

  • Desserts of the desert!

  • Sumo kick!

  • Lion's breath of sudden death!

  • Bunny polo!

If you have ideas you would like to add, please sent them ASAP!

Thank you for your participation,

The Manathlon Committee of Pure Awesomeness

Friday, September 5, 2008

All Apologies

Hi you, I have not blogged or been social for several months. I do apologize. I’ll catch you up on the last year to save time. In the last year I have:

  1. Moved twice. It worked out perfectly.

  2. Had my second son. Well, Daniela did the work. I supervised.

  3. Nearly passed out from dehydration in the desert.

  4. Went to Yellowstone. Saw less yellow stones than I had imagined.

  5. Killed a deer with my fire stick. That sounds funny.

  6. Had a vasectomy… I am more docile now.

  7. Quit my job. No hard feelings.

  8. Started a company. Prelaunch is like purgatory.

  9. Finally accepted that I am a redhead.

  10. Turned 27. I know I did because MTV now seems juvenile. VH1 just gets me!